Kino MacGregor Ashtanga Workshop: May 16-18th FULL WEEKEND (5 sessions- not including handstand clinic)-SOLD OUT

Kino MacGregor Ashtanga Workshop: May 16-18th FULL WEEKEND (5 sessions- not including handstand clinic)-SOLD OUT


The Full Weekend option for Kino MacGregor’s Ashtanga Workshop is SOLD OUT. There is still space in some individual sessions. Register for individual sessions bellow. Email to be added to the wait list for the Full Weekend.

Friday, May 16th 6-8pm: Meditation and the Equanimous Mind 

Saturday, May 17th 8:45am: Mysore, Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done

Saturday, May 17th 2-4pm: Breath & Bandhas

Sunday, May 18th 8:45am: Mysore, Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done

Sunday, May 18th 2-4pm: Conference & Closing Meditation 

sold out