Weekend Workshop Series
Join Kino MacGregor at Woodley Park Yoga Friday, May 16th, Saturday, May 17th, and Sunday, May 18th, 2025.
The Full Weekend option for Kino MacGregor’s Ashtanga Workshop is SOLD OUT. There is still space in some individual sessions. Register for individual sessions bellow. Email Info@woodleyparkyoga.com to be added to the wait list for the Full Weekend.
Friday, May 16th 6-8pm: Meditation and the Equanimous Mind
Saturday, May 17th 8:45am: Mysore, Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done
Saturday, May 17th 2-4pm: Breath & Bandhas
Sunday, May 18th 8:45am: Mysore, Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done
Sunday, May 18th 2-4pm: Conference & Closing Meditation
Kino MacGregor Handstand Clinic is SOLD OUT. Email Info@woodleyparkyoga.com to be added to the wait list.
A rare opportunity to learn from Kino in a small group setting. Space is limited to 25 students. No matter how long you practice, handstands are a benchmark of strength and steadiness that transcends physical disciplines. From yoga to martial arts to gymnastics a stable handstand is the key test of alignment and mastery. The only thing you need to join this class is a love of handstands. Whether you are a total beginner or have a stable handstand you will learn tools to build strength and alignment while balancing on your hands. Leave with a strength building program that you can do every day to develop the physical and emotional strength to support your handstanding journey.
Dive down into the inner world equipped with a calm, steady mind and a courageous heart. Train the mind to be single-pointed in the Eka-Tattva state and cultivate a state of equanimity. A strong mind is a vital tool on the path of living the yogi’s life. Join this session and begin your spiritual journey.
A rare opportunity to learn from Kino in a small group setting. Space is limited to 25 students. Immerse yourself in the indescribable experience of the Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style method. Under Kino’s guidance, you will learn how to practice and work each pose without forcefulnesses. Let Kino expand your understanding on asanas you find challenging and assist you in adjustments to improve the strength, flexibility and determination to practice every day. Through this experience you will learn something new each time you step on the mat. Please arrive 15 minutes before your starting time. Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done.
Kino MacGregor Breath and Bandhas is SOLD OUT. Email Info@woodleyparkyoga.com to be added to the wait list.
Inhalation and exhalation are two sides of the inner body. In this class learn how the breath is the key to unlocking the mysteries of inner strength and accessing a calm, meditative mind. Only by mastering the breath will you gain true access to the power centers deep within your pelvis, often referred to as the “bandhas”. These energy locks are both physical muscles that you can access and spiritual doors that you can walk through. Often the missing key to a flowing practice, the integration of breath and bandha, lead the way to the discovery of limitless power and lasting peace both in your yoga practice and in your life.
A rare opportunity to learn from Kino in a small group setting. Space is limited to 25 students. Immerse yourself in the indescribable experience of the Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style method. Under Kino’s guidance, you will learn how to practice and work each pose without forcefulnesses. Let Kino expand your understanding on asanas you find challenging and assist you in adjustments to improve the strength, flexibility and determination to practice every day. Through this experience you will learn something new each time you step on the mat. Please arrive 15 minutes before your starting time. Kino will teach batches of students until everyone is done.
Kino MacGregor Conference and Closing Meditation is SOLD OUT. Email Info@woodleyparkyoga.com to be added to the wait list.
Discuss key tenets of the Ashtanga Yoga method. Experience how this ancient tradition holds many life lessons in postures and technique. Weaving in the core philosophical texts, Kino guides the conference to focus on the practical application of yoga wisdom and the spiritual journey of the practice. Ask questions.